Product Code: GDL
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GDL Vertical Multi Stage Centrifugal Pump


This type of pump is suitable for the circulation and pressurization of cold and hot clean water in high-pressure operation system, water supply under parallel operation of several pumps in high-rise constructions, water supply for fire control and boilers, cooling water system, and the delivery of various washing liquids.

Model Meaning

50 GDL 18– 15 *6
50: Suction/Discharge Diameter
18: Rated Flow Rate
15: Single Stage Head
6: Stage Number

Technical Parameters

Model No. Capacity
Head           (m) Suction Lift    
50GDL18-15*4 18 60 7 5.5
50GDL18-15*5 18 75 7 7.5
50GDL18-15*6 18 90 7 7.5
50GDL18-15*7 18 105 7 11
50GDL18-15*8 18 120 7 11
50GDL18-15*9 18 135 7 15
50GDL18-15*10 18 150 7 15
65GDL24-12*2 24 24 6 3
65GDL24-12*3 24 36 6 4
65GDL24-12*4 24 48 6 5.5
65GDL24-12*5 24 60 6 7.5
65GDL24-12*6 24 72 6 7.5
65GDL24-12*7 24 84 6 11
65GDL24-12*8 24 96 6 11
65GDL24-12*9 24 108 6 15
65GDL24-12*10 24 120 6 15
80GDL36-12*2 36 24 5.5 4
80GDL36-12*3 36 36 5.5 5.5
80GDL36-12*4 36 48 5.5 7.5
80GDL36-12*5 36 60 5.5 11
80GDL36-12*6 36 72 5.5 11
80GDL36-12*7 36 84 5.5 15
80GDL36-12*8 36 96 5.5 15
80GDL36-12*9 36 108 5.5 18.5
80GDL36-12*10 36 120 5.5 18.5
80GDL54-14*2 54 28 5 7.5


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